Accommodation 2014

Riga has a wide choice of hotels and hostels. We offer you a nice stay in Riga by different small hostels starting from about EUR 15 per day and different hotels starting from EUR 40 per day. The booking of the room is your own responsibility, but we can help you to make your choice.

Red Nose hostel in Old Riga
We have special cooperation with the hostel, situated in the very centre of the Old Town - RedNose hostel.
RedNose hostel offer a private room for RTWF guests with 20% discount.
Step outside Red Nose hostel and you are ready to explore the city. St.Peter’s Church, Dome Square, The Opera House, Melngalvju House and the main Riga Tourism Information Centre are our closest neighbours. There are several restaurants, cafés, bars and shops around to choose from.
When you book the place in the hostel, please write, that you come to RigaTangoWinterFest.

Central hostel
Central hostel
is just a 5-minute walk from the train and bus station, and a 10-minute stroll from the Old Town, you will find it easy to get around on two feet. This cosy and affordable hotel alternative places you close to all the main attractions of the city, and offers a home-from-home ambience along with an impressive range of amenities.
Check the availability of the Central hostel by visiting the booking system.

More hostels in Riga:

It is also possible to find private accommodation by tango dancers. In case of a need for private accommodation, please write e-mail: