If you would like to register, please send us e-mail to: gopmane@gmail.com
You can read more about Programme and Workshops and Prices.
Please register by answering the following questions:
1) please write your name and family name,
2) please write the name of your dance partner for Ws and Tango Labs,
3) your e-mail, tel.no. and postal address,
4) I register for Ws:
a) II 1 or / and
b) DA1.
5) I register for Tango Labs:
a) II 2 or/and
b) II 3 or/and
c) DA 2 or /and
d) DA 3.
6) I register for Electrocutango Concert and Sat Milonga,
7) I would like to buy the Passes:
a) PASS No 1: 2 Ws & 4 Labs,
b) PASS No 2: All Milongas,
c) PASS No 3: All Milongas and Concert,
Or use our registration form: